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Lidija Jevdijic

Lidija Jevdijic

General Hospital Aurora, Serbia

Title: Significance of BMI ratio in pregnant women in the development of preeclampsia and the way of terminating pregnancy and birth weight


Biography: Lidija Jevdijic


Obesity is a global health problem that is increasing in prevalence. Thus, many pregnant patients are seen with high body mass index (BMI). Obesity during pregnancy is considered a high-risk state because it is associated with many complications. The test is to show not only the importance of the relationship of BMI among pregnant women in developing preeclampsia but also expressed the importance of BMI with severe preeclampsia in the third trimester, the way of terminating the pregnancy and birth weight. Among 2100 pregnant women who got cardinal l examination in the period Jun 2013 to June 2014, were 37 of them diagnosed with a severe form of preeclampsia. All of them had blood pressure over 160/110 mmHg and Sy Helpful the evaluation of gestational weight gain on pregnancy outcomes and newborn weight in different BMI, we categorized the pregnant women into three groups based on their BMI: Normal: BMI of 20-24.9 kg/m, Over weight: BMI of 25-30 kg/m and Obese: BMI > 30 kg/m. This research demonstrates that an increased maternal BMI with preeclampsia increases the incidence of induction of labor, caesarean section, pre term labor and low birth weight. Prevention is the best way to prevent this problem. As pregnancy is the worst time to lose weight, women with a high BMI should be encouraged to lose weight prior to conceiving. During the second half of pregnancy, one needs to closely watch for signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia.