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William J Rowe

William J Rowe

University of Toledo Medical Center, USA

Title: Neil armstrong syndrome and thermoregulation


Biography: William J Rowe


Neil Armstrong syndrome and thermoregulation Neil Armstrong syndrome triggered by very common earth related magnesium (Mg) deficits, invariably with spaces flight (SF); invariable dehydration with exercise-induced sweating with Mg loss and through kidneys; leaks of plasma through oxidative stress-induced defective capillaries; loss of thirst mechanism; in turn, angiotensin, catecholamine (C) elevations to twice earth levels when supine; vicious cycles with Mg ion deficits; can trigger C cardiomyopathy i.e. acute temporary heart failure. Normal earth CO2 levels about 0.03% with SF, levels can be 0.5-7% as on Mir; this, postulated to trigger calcium (Ca) overload with in turn coronary vasospasm, injuries to mitochondria along with impairment in telomere function; its synthesis is dependent upon Mg and in turn, decreased cardiac function. Since Mg required for thermoregulation was intensified by SF-exercise for at least 2 hours exercise/day; invariable SF mal-absorption with Mg levels reduced to p<0.0001 even though serum Mg lacks sensitivity. Neil Armstrong informed Houston twice at 4 minutes interval, of shortness of breath with heartrate up to 160 (tachycardia conducive to oxidative stress) with marked reduction to 60, half hour before pacific-splash down over three days later; severe thirst, quenched with in turn, reduced postulated high C. Mg is powerful antioxidant and Ca blocker. Severe dyspnea, thirst, tachycardia; the latter, corrected by water replenishment during three days back to Earth; one of only four- SF syndromes was observed; applicable to Earth in post-menopausal women, particularly if taking Ca supplements which reduces Mg absorption; marathoners at finish line; in tropics with water shortages; may be corrected quickly with I.V fluids or subcutaneous Mg.